The FSSAI Registration plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and quality of food products in the country. Established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, of 2006, FSSAI is responsible for laying down science-based standards for food products and regulating their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

Understanding FSSAI Registration

FSSAI registration is a mandatory process for all food businesses operating in India, regardless of their size or scale. Whether it is a small street vendor, a mid-sized restaurant, or a large food processing unit, FSSAI registration is a legal requirement. The registration or licensing is issued by FSSAI, and the nature of the certificate depends on the size and turnover of the business.

  1. FSSAI Basic Registration: This is applicable for small food businesses with an annual turnover of up to INR 12 lakhs. Street food vendors, small retail stores, and small-scale manufacturers typically fall under this category.

  1. FSSAI State License: Medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover between INR 12 lakhs and INR 20 crores must obtain a state license. This category includes small and medium-sized food manufacturers, storage units, and transporters.

  1. FSSAI Central License: Large food businesses with an annual turnover exceeding INR 20 crores, or those involved in the import/export of food products, are required to obtain a central license. This category includes large manufacturers, processors, and those involved in large-scale distribution.

The Role of FSSAI in Food Quality Control

FSSAI's primary objective is to ensure that the food products available in the market are safe for consumption and meet the required quality standards. The registration and licensing process plays a crucial role in food quality control through various means:

Setting Standards for Food Products

FSSAI sets stringent standards for various food products. These standards are based on scientific research and are designed to ensure that food products are free from harmful substances, contaminants, and adulterants. The standards cover a wide range of aspects including ingredients, permissible additives, hygiene standards, and labeling requirements.

Regular Inspections and Audits

Food businesses registered with FSSAI are subject to regular inspections and audits. These inspections are conducted by FSSAI officials to ensure compliance with the prescribed standards. The officials check the hygiene practices, storage conditions, manufacturing processes, and the quality of raw materials used. Non-compliance can result in penalties, suspension of the license, or even closure of the business.

Ensuring Traceability

FSSAI emphasizes the importance of traceability in the food supply chain. This means that at any point, the source of a food product can be traced back to its origin. Traceability is crucial in the event of a food safety incident as it allows for quick identification and removal of contaminated products from the market, thereby minimizing the risk to consumers.

Consumer Awareness and Labeling

FSSAI mandates clear labeling of food products, including nutritional information, ingredients list, manufacturing and expiry dates, and any potential allergens. This empowers consumers to make informed choices about the food they consume. Additionally, FSSAI runs various awareness campaigns to educate the public on food safety, hygiene, and the importance of consuming safe food.

Promoting Hygienic Practices

FSSAI promotes the adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) among food businesses. These practices are essential for maintaining the safety and quality of food products. GMP and GHP cover various aspects such as the cleanliness of the manufacturing facility, the hygiene of the workforce, and the proper handling and storage of raw materials and finished products.

Ensuring the Safe Import of Food Products

FSSAI also regulates the import of food products into India. Imported food items are subject to strict scrutiny and must comply with the standards set by FSSAI. The authority ensures that the imported food products are safe for consumption and free from any harmful substances or contaminants.

The Impact of FSSAI Registration on Food Businesses

Obtaining FSSAI registration has several benefits for food businesses, beyond just compliance with the law. It plays a significant role in enhancing the credibility and reputation of a business in the market.

Building Consumer Trust

In today’s market, consumers are increasingly conscious of the quality and safety of the food they consume. FSSAI registration serves as a mark of trust and assurance that the food products meet the necessary safety standards. Displaying the FSSAI license number on product packaging or business premises builds confidence among consumers and helps in gaining their trust.

Facilitating Business Growth

FSSAI registration is essential for expanding a food business. Whether it is scaling up operations, entering new markets, or exporting food products, FSSAI registration is a prerequisite. A business with a valid FSSAI license is more likely to secure partnerships with retailers, distributors, and exporters, facilitating growth and expansion.

Legal Protection

FSSAI registration provides legal protection to food businesses. In case of any legal disputes or issues related to food safety, having a valid FSSAI license ensures that the business is operating within the legal framework. It also provides a defense against any false claims or accusations regarding food safety.

Enhancing Market Value

For food businesses, FSSAI registration enhances market value. A business that adheres to food safety standards is more likely to attract investors, partners, and customers. It also opens up opportunities for participating in government tenders and supplying to large organizations that require FSSAI compliance as a mandatory criterion.

Note: you can also apply for Tatkal FSSAI Registration.


FSSAI registration is not just a legal requirement, but a critical component of food quality control in India. It ensures that food businesses adhere to high standards of safety and quality, thereby protecting consumers and enhancing the credibility of the business. As consumer awareness continues to grow, FSSAI’s role in food quality control will become even more significant, driving improvements in the overall food safety ecosystem in India.


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